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General Regulation


  • It is the responsibility of students/parents to read all official notices on the Notice Board.

  • Students are welcome to practice in the piano room, but students have to make an appointment before practicing.

  • Unless otherwise notified, all schedule lessons will be held as usual on all school holidays.

  • Students are required to follow the Regulation of Typhoon and Rainstorm Warning of D.S.E.J.

  • Smoking, eating, drinking, photography and recording along with disturbances are prohibited in classrooms.

  • Students who attend Parent-child course (i.e. kindermusik village, parent-child playgroup, parent-child drawing/ handicraft course, parent-child musical course), should be accompanied by only one parent/adult to enter the classroom. For other courses, only enrolled student who attends the particular courses entitle to enter the classroom.

  • Due to the Copyright Ordinance, duplications of all materials that are sold in RL learning centre Ltd. are prohibited.

  • Students are responsible for any damage they do to classroom equipments, including but limited to musical instruments, white boards, chairs, table and bookshelves.

  • The centre is not liable for any students’ or visitors’ loss or stolen property.

  • Students are not allowed to transfer form one class to another without approval and confirmation of the administration office.

  • Unless otherwise notified, tuition fees must be paid for the whole sessions. Tuition fees for the next session must be paid in advance on the previous session. The centre reserves the right to prevent a student from attending the lesson if student fails to pay the fee in time. Students will not be allowed to attend any classes within a session unless and until the tuition fees for that session have been paid for in advance and/or the overdue tuition fee for a particular session have been duly settled in full and, on occurrence of any disallowance to attend classes on such ground, RL learning centre shall not in any manner be accountable or held responsible for either causing or delaying any student in attending any class or denying attendance by any student of any class as a consequence thereof.

  • Students can terminate or transfer classes only after they have finished one session of lesions. Students are required to give a minimum of 2 weeks advance written notice (i.e. the Termination/ Transfer form) to the centre.

  • Should the number of students in one class be less than the required number determined by the centre, the centre reserves the right to dissolve or re-group students to another class at a similar level.

  • For group sessions, students not attending classes at prescribed time are considered to have giving up those lessons and fees for the unattended lesson(s) will still be charged. If student stops for 4 or more classes because of sickness and want to ask for make-up of the missed classes, medical certificate is needed.

  •  For private lessons, only one absence is permitted in every 4 successive lessons (the current 2 lessons and the previous 2 lessons). Notice of absence should be given prior to the scheduled lesson. Any extra cancellations (more than one absence) within the 4 lesson period will incur the regular tuition fee.

  • The centre reserves the right to revise or change the lesson schedules, classrooms and replacement.

  • All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Fees are subject to revise without prior notice.

  • The RL learning centre reserves the right to make amendment on the above said regulations when necessary.








  • 有關中心之活動及最新資料會張貼於告示版上,請各學員及家長按時參閱。

  • 本中心之學員可在鋼琴室內練習,但要先向中心預約。

  • 除特別通知外,本中心於學校假期仍正常授課,有關本中心之假期,可參閱假期表。

  • 有關颱風及暴雨之事宜,可參閱教青局的颱風及暴雨守則。

  • 課室內不准吸引煙、飲食、高聲談笑;未經許可,不得錄音及攝影。

  • 幼兒英語/音樂Playgroup (1歲以下) , Kindermusik village, 親子畫畫、手工和樂器班,只限由一名成人/家長陪同上課;其他課程,除上課學員外,其他人士不得進入。

  • 根據版權條例,本中心所出售之各類書藉及教材,不得翻印。

  • 學員如有損壞中心任何樂器或設備, 包括白板、椅、檯、書架和音樂設備等,需負責賠償。

  • 學員或訪客在本中心內蒙受任何財物損失, 本中心概不負責。

  • 未得本中心事前許可, 學員不得私自轉換上課時間。

  • 除特別註明外, 學費必須每月/每個課程繳付一次, 學員如想繼續修讀下期課程, 必須於上期最後一堂完成前預繳學費,如學員逾期繳費,本中心有權阻止學員上課。直至學員付清逾期及/或須預繳之學費後,方可獲准繼續修讀課程。若此舉而導致學員上課時間受到延誤或學員未能繼續上課,本中心一概不負責。

  • 學員必須完成一期學費後,方可退學或轉換上課時間。並須最少於兩星期前填妥退學/轉換時間表交回中心職員。

  • 若某班別之學員人數少於本中心規定之人數, 本中心有權保留合併或解散該班之權利, 並將學員轉入其他課程相若之班別。

  • 凡班制學員於指定上課時間缺席,作自動放棄該課論; 學員仍需繳付該課之學費。如缺席四堂或上,如學員因生病而能夠提供相關的醫生證明文件, 則可向本中心申請有關補課事宜。

  • 個別課程之學員於連續四堂之內,只可請假一次,須於(無論任何原因,包括生病或其他),須於上課時間之前通知本中心職員。若於連續四堂內請假/缺席多於一次,作自動放棄該課。而學員必須繳付請假/缺席課堂之學費。

  • 本中心保留調動上課時間,更換課室及導師之權利。

  • 所有已繳付之費用恕不退回或轉讓他人。

  • 本中心有權調整各課程之收費,恕不另行通知。

  • 本中心保留修訂及更改以上守則之權利。

Our Policy

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