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All of our revision tutors have demonstrated their ability to combine expert subject knowledge with excellent communication skills. Equally importantly, all of our tutors share our enthusiasm for revision and desire to support and ensure all of our students achieve the best examination grade they are capable of.


TLC provides individual and small group tuition to Macau students studying a wide range of academic and personal development courses. Our highly qualified and experienced international staff provides tuition to primary, secondary and undergraduate students, as well as those participating in life-long learning.




  • 精補小二至中五年級各科 (包括英、數、化學、物理、生物等) 專業導師主理。

  • 中心優點:1 : 6 ~ 8人小班教學, 按照年級和中英文學校分班.

  • 針對學生在校內的弱科及課程內容, 加以補強和練習

  • 英式教材練習輔助

  • 時間:逢星期六,日 / 每堂1個半小時 / 每月八堂


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