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太乙燃藜照讀書 十年窗下苦功舒 揚眉吐氣袍穿錦 駟馬高車擁道隨
About Bond
Bond has provided the number 1 practice materials for the 11 Plus, selective exams and general practice for over 40 years. The Bond resources have helped literally millions of primary school pupils learn and practise at home, in school and with tutors.
Bond 11 Plus Non-verbal Reasoning
Our Bond 11 Plus products provide structured resources to improve your child's Non-verbal Reasoning skills from age 6 through to age 12.
Non-verbal Reasoning is not taught as part of the primary curriculum but is widely used in aptitude tests. The understanding and skills within Non-verbal Reasoning are integral to teaching and learning in a range of subjects including Maths, Science, and Design and Technology.
Non-verbal Reasoning 11 plus tests look at patterns and shape rather than words and verbal processes. They test whether a child can problem solve, whilst working quickly and accurately, and how effectively they can process information through graphics or pictures.
Non-verbal Reasoning tests your child's ability to:
Process graphic or pictorial information
Use spatial awareness – how objects relate to each other in space
Find and follow patterns and rules
Apply Maths skills – rotation, reflection and symmetry.
Bond 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning
Our Bond 11 Plus products provide structured resources to improve your child's Verbal Reasoning skills from age 6 through to age 12.Verbal reasoning tests are popular as they are a good indication of potential academic ability. They test whether a child can problem solve, whilst working quickly and accurately, and how effectively they can process verbal information.The scope and content of an 11 Plus verbal reasoning test can often differ across UK regions as there is a wide range of question types that can be included. However, a paper will generally testing a child’s ability to:
Process verbal information
Apply logical thinking and problem-solving skills
Find and follow patterns and rules
Determine word meaning
Spell accurately
Apply basic maths skills
Work systematically
Bond Stretch Series
Bond Stretch Series 英、數、邏輯及推理課程
Bond已為年齡由6至11歲以上學童提供英、數、邏輯及推理的測試及練習教材超過 40 年。
《Bond Stretch Series》系列,分為語言類和非語言類的延伸推理邏輯思考題, 為部分英國中小學入學試必考題目,此測試在英國是很受歡迎的,因為他們呈現一個很好的跡象,發揮學童潛在的學術能力。 Bond 測試孩子是否可以快速而準確地解決問題,以及如何有效地通過詞彙、圖形、空間去推理邏輯去思考及處理題目。
本中心是澳門第一間引入英國出版社 Nelson Thornes 所出版的《Bond Stretch Series》系列,根據不同年級的程度,提供練習題目和混合試題,以提升學生們處理數學及語言相關題目的推理技巧和邏輯思考力及未來應考英國升學作準備。
《Non-Verbal Reasoning》以圖形圖案為主題, 設計成各類邏輯思考題目
使用空間意識 - 對象如何相互關聯的空間;
應用數學技能 - 旋轉,反射和對稱性;
《Verbal Reasoning》則以英語設計成各種邏輯思考題目